Respecting the personal dignity of minors; (二)尊重未成人的人格尊严;
Article 38 The personal dignity of citizens of the People's Republic of China is inviolable. 第三十八条中华人民共和国公民的人格尊严不受侵犯。
The life and property safety of the Chinese fishermen and their fishing boats must be guaranteed, their personal dignity must not be insulted and their normal fishing operations cannot be disturbed or blocked. 那么我们的渔民在这儿捕鱼,我们的渔民和我们的渔船人身和财产安全一定要得到保证,我们的渔民的人格尊严一定不能受到侮辱,我们的渔民的正常渔业生产活动不能受到干扰或者阻拦。
It's the truly wise brilliant that can ride them both out with the same class personal dignity in a down to earth productive way. 那些真正聪明的人,能够脚踏实地而又有效的度过好运与厄运,而仍能保持其人格和尊严。
On the other hand the lowliest place elimination series also have the negative aspect, like harms the personal dignity, too brutally and so on. 另一方面末位淘汰制也有消极的方面,如有损人格尊严、过于残酷等。
Parents and other guardians shall respect minors'privacy right and personal dignity, may not conceal, read or discard their letters, and may not read their diaries without their consent. 父母或者其他监护人应当尊重未成年人的隐私权和人格尊严,不得隐匿、拆阅或者废弃未成年人的信件,不得擅自查阅未成年人的日记。
The personal dignity of citizens is inviolable, so are their residences. 公民的人格尊严、住宅不受侵犯。
Treatment should be targeted at controlling symptoms, not on prolonging life, and on helping patients to maintain human relationships and personal dignity. 治疗的目标应当是控制症状,是帮助患者保持人际关系和人的自尊,而不仅仅是延长生命。
Chinese laws guarantee that women and men enjoy the same rights and status and have equal personal dignity. 中国的各种法律保障妇女与男子具有同等的权利和地位,具有同等的人格和尊严。
The personal dignity of citizens of the people's Republic of China is inviolable. insult, libel, false accusation or false incrimination directed against citizens by any means is prohibited. 中华人民共和国公民的人格尊严不受侵犯。禁止用任何方法对公民进行侮辱、诽谤和诬告陷害。
The business of "saving face," which often strikes foreigners in China as ludicrous, is only the carrying-out of respect for personal dignity in the sphere of social manners. 中国人的“死要面子”经常使在中国的外国人感到荒唐可笑。然而,中国人仅仅是要求实现与他们社会生活方式相一致的个人尊严。
Women's personal dignity, their rights to education and work as well as their ideals and pursuits, are generally respected by their husbands and other family members. 妇女的人格、学习、劳动权利以及理想、追求,普遍受到了丈夫和其他家人的尊重。
The Soul-stirring Personal Dignity& Comment on the Novel Massage of Bi Feiyu 荡气回肠的人格尊严&毕飞宇的小说《推拿》论析
Some young men and women blindly admire the capitalist countries, and some even show a blatant disregard for both national and personal dignity in their contact with foreigners. 一些青年男女盲目地羡慕资本主义国家,有些人在同外国人交往中甚至不顾自己的国格和人格。
It is prohibited to debase or injure women's personal dignity by public media or otherwise. 禁止通过大众传播媒介或者其他方式贬低损害妇女人格。
I had never before seen so much personal dignity in any Chinese youngsters. 我从来没有在中国儿童中间看到过这样高度的个人自尊。
Express yourself* graciously, tactfully, and keeping everyone's personal dignity intact. 优雅而不失婉转的表达你自己,同时保全每个人的个人尊严。
It is prohibited to injure women's reputation or personal dignity by insult, slander, etc. 禁止用侮辱、诽谤等方式损害妇女的人格尊严。
The Conflict of Personal Dignity Between Two Fierce Women& A new probe into the tragedy source of Southeast the Peacock Flies 强女人之间人格尊严的冲突&《孔雀东南飞》悲剧原因新探
The quota invoice is built on the basis of mistrust, violated the constitutional rights of taxpayers, including personal dignity, property rights, equal rights and so on. 而建立在对纳税人不信任基础上的定额发票显然蕴涵了这样一种推断,即是政府公权力的扩张及对纳税人的人格尊严、财产权等宪法权利的侵犯。
Economically the reward distribution pattern and the income structure changed greatly and their personal dignity was acknowledged; 在经济上,表现为戏曲艺人劳动报酬的分配方式与收入结构发生了明显的变化,其获取劳动报酬的人格尊严得到承认;
The personal dignity and independence of the couples can be maintained; 有利于维护夫妻的人格尊严和人格独立,发挥家庭的积极作用;
Especially, the legal right to know and personal dignity should be drawn enough attention. 特别是对于证人应当享有的人格尊严和知情权等。
Then introduce our constitution and civil law for personal dignity to the provisions of the constitutional human dignity and the general law on the other. 然后介绍了我国宪法和法律对人格尊严的规定,分析了宪法上人格尊严与一般法上的人格权的区别。
Comparison and three-dimensional perspective of those similar concepts helps to fully grasp the concept of personal dignity. 对这些词义相近的概念进行科学辨析和立体透视,有助于对人格尊严概念的全面把握与正确使用。
However, the core of respecting and protecting the self-determination, independence and peace of private life depends on the maintenance of personal dignity and perfection of personality. 而尊重与保护个人私生活的自主、独立与安宁之核心在于维护人格尊严和个性完善。
The realization of personal dignity needs self-esteem and respect form others in moral sense, and even institutional remedy and legal safeguard after dignity is damaged. 人格尊严的实现需要道德意义上的自尊和他尊,更需要尊严受损后的制度救济和法律保障。
As the fundamental rights human being should enjoy, personal dignity is the moral rights and also legal rights. 人格尊严作为人之为人所应享有的基本权利,是道德权利也是法律权利。